Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Freezer Meals for the Crockpot

What could be easier? Load your ingredients in to Ziploc bags, put them in the freezer and then when you want to use them, pour the whole thing in to the crock pot.

It's what I call dump cooking. I will often do this if I have lots of some ingredients that need to be used up. If you get a great buy on potatoes, carrots, onions and celery - which is going to be happening here with Thanksgiving on it's way, add chicken, beef or some of that free turkey they will be giving away at the grocery store, to a bag and put in all of your cut up veggies. Add some seasonings. On cooking day, throw it all in together with a little stock, a can of tomatoes, Italian dressing or tomato sauce and dinner will be ready in about 7 or 8 hours.

For a free downloadable ebook with recipes to cook this way, go here. It was put together by Malia Russell of Homemaking911. (Although I strongly encourage the use of the crock pot, I am in no way endorsing the pork recipes!!! :) Enjoy easier fall and winter meals this year!


Gail said...

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE my crockpot! Most of us are down with fevers, chills, body aches (I WILL NOT call it swine flu, lol)and it is great to have already made soup warming all day and available.

Anonymous said...

Totally my kind of cooking! Thanks for some new recipes can't wait to try them out :)

Carrie said...


I downloaded that booklet too...looks really good!

Shevy said...

When I had my youngest, the community brought us meals for the first week or so. A couple of different people made Shabbos for us. That is, someone made chicken, someone made kugel & salad, and someone gave us the makings for cholent all bagged up in a Ziplock. All I had to add was water and meat. So easy.