Wednesday, October 21, 2009

My Three Sons

As a stay-at-home mom you have to find joy in your life where you can. This morning after hanging the laundry out I saw this picture from the bathroom window. Three pair of jeans, like stair steps, representing my three boys. Pure joy.


yalisha case said...

You're such a good Mama (and you have such wonderful stairsteps!).

Teresa said...

cute Jennifer!

Mindy said...

I love the pic and can almost smell that wonderful clothes-line dried smell. I live in a place where the clothes would mold on the line before they would dry. But, I miss that view. Thanks for sharing.

Roxie700 said...

That is a precious picture. I would print it and hang it in my laundry room.

I live in Central Texas. I have a clothes line and I use it often. Love the smell of the clothes after hanging in the sun most of the day.