Not having a computer around sure can be hard, it's tough not to be able to communicate with all of my friends. I realize how many people I email and don't even have their phone number! What did we do before the internet? There is no way you can actually hold a conversation with on the phone for more than 30 seconds with six children anyway.
But, you know what? The "office" is much cleaner now too, I took out one desk, cleaned out a bunch of junk and lots of cords and there is a lot more room. If we do go back to having a computer at any time, it will not be a desk top, it just sucks up too much space!
I also wrote a new winter schedule for the kids and I, which I am not following at the moment because I am at the library on the computer! :) But it has been working wonderfully and I'm getting a lot done at home. You know, those nagging little projects I know I need to complete but never get to it.
Going low-tech really has been great for the family, albeit difficult.
Thanks for the understanding! :)

I miss you already. I also do not have any way to contact you. When you get a chance will you e-mail me your info?
Look forward to seeing your updates occassionally. I know what you mean about having so much more time without the pc - when my old one broke I delibrately procrastinated setting up the internet on hubby's laptop to free up some of our time... shhh... don't tell him ;)
Excited to see you on Thursday!
Hey Jen,
If you have a moment, could you perchance share your new schedule with me? I'm needing some new fresh scheduling ideas!!!
I still miss your blog! I have been going through your older posts and copying down your recipes. I am buying more things in bulk and can't find the post where you gave the link to buy the nice plastic containers. If you ever come back, I know we'll all be blessed. Just leaving a comment of encouragement in case you ever are back online and wondering if the Lord would have to bless some sisters again with your insight and encouragement.
Hi Jennifer,
You are such a sweet woman. I want to thank you for your willingness to embrace your family in such a loving and enthusiastic manner. Did you know that you have born fruit in my life as well as your own? When I first read your blog, close to a year ago, I was going through a very hard time and my life had lost its purpose and joy. I was weary. I had forgotten "Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up."Gal.6:9 Then I found this woman, Jennifer, who was super happy about making challah bread and cleaning cupboards. She was excited to b about the simple business of the Lord which was to take care of her household. Wow, I remembered being that way. I remembered how I used to plan my days with joy, try all sorts of organizational, cooking, and gardening ideas. I even looked forward to teaching all those kids. Your articles and pictures rekindled a love for all those things and life became good again! Thanks for sharing.
Sue Boisselle
I have really missed you...I hope you know that...
I would love to look at your schedule if you can bring a copy to glad I get you see you soon!
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