Monday, February 16, 2009

Busy Day

Time for a quick picture today. Here is one of my little girls just hanging out together in the office. These girls are nineteen months apart and, as I am sure to tell them all the time, best friends.

Busy, busy today! I received my seeds this weekend, so I am hoping to get some tomatoes planted in their cute little Jiffy peat pellets. Those are oh so fun, especially for little ones. While at Costco the other we also picked up four blueberry plants and I am looking forward to beginning to get their little corner of our yard ready for them. I do hope to get that butterfly bush outside pruned too. I had better get in the kitchen now and whip up some breakfast as I hear the boys stirring upstairs.

Oh, coming your way soon, another round of spring spruce up, this time with something inside the house. I am so excited about it!

1 comment:

Amy Ellen said...

Can't wait to see how your garden develops! And, I love it that you refer to your husband as Mr. Right. Perfect!