Thursday, September 24, 2009

Projects for Today....

This morning... my daughter comes to me to show me a poem in her English book that she likes. My oldest son scooters in Tootie style (remember the Facts of Life?) to ask me a math question.

I finished school with my two little boys and everyone that is done with their work gets to pick an activity to play with.

I have the stock pot full of vegetable peelings going to make a batch of stock.

Sitting in my biggest bowl is 32 cups of zucchini, that's not including the peppers, onions and celery added in. This was the beginnings of zucchini relish. I was so blessed by a wonderful Freecyle friend that gave me two gigantic zucchini, literally, 32 cups in two squash, a big bag of tomatoes and another of cucumbers yesterday.

Here are some of the tomatoes ready to become salsa.

This afternoon.... I have finished both of those canning projects.

The cucumbers are awaiting their turn, these will be bread and butter pickles. The vegetable stock is in two different pots, one I will make rice with for the freezer and one will be soup for tonight's dinner. Nap time is almost over - I'd better get busy!

I pray your day a productive, fall in to bed kind of day.


yalisha case said...

nope, not jealous a bit, not me....
maybe you got all that wonderful done today, but I... I stared with horror and confusion at two huge boxes of apples, and nearly cried when I saw the peach tree finally ripe, and oh, dear Lord, the raspberries are back?! Aren't we DONE with putting up food yet? Can't we please just curl up in the frosty autumn and enjoy the fruits of our labors? Please?
Nope, not a bit jealous that you're STILL so HAPPY to be buzzing busily along when I just want to SLEEP!
See you tomorrow, friend! To, you know, play, right?

Michelle said...

How very impressive!!!

Missi said...

So, where exactly does this fit in on your schedule (says she who has a hard time thinking outside the box) :)

Jennifer said...


I got all of the big stuff done first. I have to do school with my two little boys because they need help. To tell you the truth, my six-year-old stood next to me in the kitchen with his books and I did it while shredding vegetables!

I used up all of my "free" (ha, ha) time and every other bit that I could use!