Monday, March 30, 2009

Spring Cleaning Report

I am thankful to report that we are finally done with Passover cleaning on the top floor.

To recap:

I painted the boy's bedroom and made them new curtains, Sissy vacuumed and organized the closet in that same bedroom that we use for a linen closet.

In Sissy's room we took down her curtains and washed them, washed the windows, walls and Sissy primed and painted her bathroom. Today her room got a good sweeping and vacuuming.

The bathroom got a scrub down and a new look for the medicine cabinet.

The big bedroom that no one is using right now (we call it the jumpy room) had all of it's jumpy mattresses stripped and the sheets washed. All of the ride on and climbing toys have been put away in hopes of more outside time and less indoor play. The room was picked up and vacuumed well. I did organize the closets and go through all of Mr. Right's clothes. He was able to get rid of a lot of things he doesn't wear.

The storage room was a huge disaster. This is the library/sewing room. Thankfully, Sissy took on one of the biggest monsters, the sewing area. She organized and cleaned it out. I went through the shelf that we keep gifts on (I try to buy at the sales so when the need arises we have something to give) and made room for another shelf for our chapter series books.

Today Macho Man got up on the ladder and dusted the top half of the hallway for us. Sissy and I washed wall and moldings. Sissy also washed the banister with it's many nooks and crannies. She swept the upstairs rooms again too.

To my surprise I found leaven in several places! Pretzels behind a night stand and dried homemade play dough stuck in cookie cutters were couple of the hideaways. Lots of dust and cobwebs are now gone. As much work as this through cleaning is, I feel good about having that floor 100% clean.

Tomorrow we will begin the downstairs cleaning. Eight days until Pesach!

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