Monday, July 6, 2009

FINALLY Done with Cherries!!!

I realize that this is my third post about cherries but that is all I've been doing. And now I am celebrating, today was our LAST day of cherries! We ended up finding a FREE source and picked hundreds and hundreds of pounds. We canned over 200 quarts, froze about 20 gallons, dried a gallon and a half and are oh so tired of cherries! I feel like I've done nothing for weeks but pitting, pitting, pitting! I know I'll be glad this winter when I throw a few handfuls in the blender for smoothies or bring a warm cherry crisp out of the oven. All the hard work really pays off in the end.


Rebekah said...

Good for you! You are going to love having those in the winter.

yalisha case said...

You'll be glad come winter, for sure!
We did 80 pounds- 20 to eat, the rest is mostly dried, some frozen to trade for fish later, and jam. But free?! I would have gone wild with free cherries!
Well, good work! And your children will be happy, remembering their work is in that cherry cobbler in February!

devita said...

It is good to see the whole member of the families participating in activities. have a great day!

Dalyn said...

great job! You did waaay more than me and I thought I had cherries galore *U*

Fruitful Harvest said...

Hi Jennifer~
I wanted to stop by to see what you've been up to!
I too love cherries! That is so cool that you have found a free source!
I have a few post about cherries and a song #2 on my play list!
I will be back to read more...I want to read about the bee's but my 20mo old keeps tapping the mouse!
